Bedside ultrasound, also known as point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS), is becoming increasingly relied upon in the medical field. Medical providers rely on POCUS to diagnose disease, monitor progress and perform…
Read MoreWhat can I do for you today? What seems to be the problem? How can I help? These are all common ways providers start their encounters. The first few…
Read MoreThe assessment and plan section of the medical SOAP note is perhaps the most important section of the SOAP note. A well-constructed assessment and plan section usually takes the…
Read MoreThe assessment and plan section of the medical soap note is perhaps the most important section of the SOAP note. A well-constructed assessment and plan section usually takes the…
Read MoreThe ideal Medical SOAP Note will contain objective information that is clear and concise. As its name implies, the objective portion of the SOAP note contains the objective data…
Read MoreThe Progress Note Appropriately named, the progress note details the patient’s condition and how it has changed since the most recent documentation. This note is generally brief. Comprehensive assessment…
Read MoreChest Pain: Lub dub and more This is one of the most feared chief complaints by patients and providers alike. The differential diagnosis for this complaint includes myocardial infarction,…
Read MoreThe SOAP Note – Subjective The structure of the SOAP note is emphasized in its name. It stands for subjective, objective, assessment and plan. The SOAP note format has…
Read MoreThe Annual Physical Sometimes called the “wellness physical”, this encounter is a time to focus on the big picture. It is a time to step back and consider the…
Read MoreTemplates are meant to accomplish the tasks that are performed over and over. If you find yourself saying “I always tell patients…”, then there is probably an opportunity for a template. Obviously, there is nuance to every patient encounter. However, building templates that accommodate these nuances maximizes their efficiency. Let’s take a look at how to build a template to accommodate the nuances of medicine.
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